Monday, August 24, 2009

My First List

Things I Miss About Being Pregnant

1. Old women tilting their heads and smiling at my expanding belly. That happened most often in the grocery store. Maybe they were approving of my cart filled with fruits and veggies.

2. 4am peanut butter sandwiches sans guilt.

3. Free time.

4. Fat was cute.

5. Being able to go to the movies with my husband.

6. Cars waiting for me to cross the street in the parking lot.

Things I Don't Miss About Being Pregnant

1. Luke in my belly and not in my arms.

2. Waddling.

3. Having to stop walking and grab the belly 3 times per block.

4. Being kicked in the bladder.

5. The lack of cookies.

6. Contractions.

1 comment:

  1. I guess there are pro's and con's to the whole pregnancy thing. But, it's totally worth it when you see cute little Lukey!!!

    Can't wait to find out these things for myself (someday)...

