Sunday, March 28, 2010


So, moving day was yesterday and we survived! Thank you to all the wonderful friends who spent the day (or multiple days) helping us. A special shout out to Alicia who literally spent more time at the house than I did last week! She is a painting goddess. (Alicia, I miss you. It was strange not to see/paint with/feed you today.)

The kitchen/family room is done and the living room is pretty darn close. Luke's room is a work in progress, but he is doing great. He had a rough time with napping at the beginning of the week (aka Painting Hell), but he adjusted well and was back to normal naps by the end of the week. Last night was our first night in the house and he slept from 8pm-7:22am, and those extra 22 minutes were greatly appreciated by mommy. There is still a lot left to do, but I'm seeing a light at the end of the cul-de-sac! I promise there will be pictures soon. Promise, promise, promise. Maybe if Alicia comes back over she can force me to take the pictures. Hint, hint.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So, husband was adamant that I amend my previous post. He wanted to make sure that everyone understood that the massive debt we are incurring is due to purchasing a home, and not furnishing it. All the extra purchases are being put on a card (to get the points, of course) and then paid in full each month. OK, Husband, does this take care of the problem? Anything else you would like me to say on MY blog?

Sheesh. It's a good thing he's so handsome.

Back to packing.

Oh, and our house is so dang cute!! More tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moving Week is Upon Us!

This has been an expensive month. Between buying the house and furnishing it, Matt and I have taken "debt" to a new level for the Johnsons. But, boy, has it been fun!

Matt is out collecting much of the furniture that we have purchased over the last month or so. We will have a new fridge, sofa, buffet, and bookshelf waiting for us at our new house! We also bought a sofa and love seat for the outdoor living room that is currently in our garage. Plus, we have an outdoor dining table and chairs, dresser for our room, and a coffee table that are being delivered to the new house this week. Oh, and some art. And new dishes. And bar stools. And airplane accoutrement for Lukie's room. Seriously, moving is expensive.

At first it was the most fun ever decorating the new place! Every piece was lovingly chosen and measured to ensure a perfect fit. But, I'm burnt on shopping. Who thought that could even happen? The coffee table was the biggest challenge, and by the end I just told Matt to pick one and order it. I didn't even like it when I first saw it, but it has grown on me. Now I think it's lovely. Good job husband!

Paint and baby gate purchasing is today's job, and painting begins tomorrow. We have had to adjust our original plan for this week because the sellers (who are currently our tenants (yup, we're landlords)), have had problems closing their escrow. We lost two days, so we had to scrap a few projects, but we're rolling with it. I think a house is a work in progress anyway, right?

Just wanted to write a quick catch-up. I'll post some pics of the house as soon as I can!

Oh, and Luke is 11 months old. What? How come I still have baby weight? As Luke would say, sheesh.

Monday, March 15, 2010


So the other day I kept dropping a pair of Luke's socks as I was trying to carry a folded pile of laundry to his room. On the 3rd drop I said, "Sheesh!", which is, of course, the closest I would ever come to vulgarity. My little man's brain must have been firing at that exact second because he immediately repeated, "Sheesh!", and continued to say it over and over again while laughing hysterically. This word now joins, "Uh oh!", "Oh, wow!", "Mama", "Dada", "baba", "ahhh" (after taking a drink or seeing someone take a drink), and "hi" (which hasn't made an appearance lately). That is possibly the best vocabulary ever.

I'm just awfully glad that he decided to copy mommy's language and not daddy's. There has already been talk of a swear jar, with 2-for-1 swears on Sundays during football season.