Friday, April 9, 2010

Big Day!

This afternoon we are heading to the baby salon for Luke's first hair cut! The sweet baby curls have taken on a mind of their own and transformed into a mullet before our eyes. Being that I see everything about Luke through the eyes of a doting mommy, I didn't notice until it was too late. At a birthday party for Luke's buddy last week I saw all the other little boys with cool, gel-styled cuts, and suddenly Luke's hair went from sweet baby head to messy, hippie child. By the way, Matt has been saying Luke needed a haircut for (dare I say it???) months. I really wanted to wait until his first birthday, but that's only 11 days away, so close enough.

PLUS, we have a big celebration this weekend that kicks off today. Our great friends, Ryan and Debbie, are getting married tomorrow!! Halle-freakin'-lujiah! We thought that we should clean up the kid in honor of their nuptials. We even got Luke his very first suit. It's a tan, summer suit, in honor of the bright blue skies we have right now.

Such a great weekend in front of us! I'll leave you with a couple of "before" pictures and post the "after"s later today. I hope it's sunny wherever you are! Our heater broke, so let's hope this weather is here to stay for a while! Yay, homeowners.

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