Sunday, March 28, 2010


So, moving day was yesterday and we survived! Thank you to all the wonderful friends who spent the day (or multiple days) helping us. A special shout out to Alicia who literally spent more time at the house than I did last week! She is a painting goddess. (Alicia, I miss you. It was strange not to see/paint with/feed you today.)

The kitchen/family room is done and the living room is pretty darn close. Luke's room is a work in progress, but he is doing great. He had a rough time with napping at the beginning of the week (aka Painting Hell), but he adjusted well and was back to normal naps by the end of the week. Last night was our first night in the house and he slept from 8pm-7:22am, and those extra 22 minutes were greatly appreciated by mommy. There is still a lot left to do, but I'm seeing a light at the end of the cul-de-sac! I promise there will be pictures soon. Promise, promise, promise. Maybe if Alicia comes back over she can force me to take the pictures. Hint, hint.


  1. HOORAY!!!!! Sending love/happy painting/unpacking thoughts from afar! xoxo

  2. Very exciting!!! I can't wait to see some pictures of the house (and the lovely family that now lives in it)...


  3. Ummm, it was strange for me too! and You're Welcome. I really did enjoy being a part of your first house buying experience. Perhaps this week I will feed you by bringing over a housewarming dinner! We will talk.

  4. Painting, I am really starting to hate you.
